Monday, December 29, 2008

Bungee training for sports performance

When athletes use Bungee cords attahced to the body, a resisted effect is gain with a "smooth" build up of resistance.

Cords can be attahced individually to arms, legs or the hip region to create a training effect that improves speed, strength and power.

The Power Runner in the above video illustrates an athlete using bungee cords that are attached at 2 points: upper body and lower body.

Be creative in your use of bungee cords for performance training, and if you are looking for bungee training products visit our site at

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Online Training Facility days away!

The Online Sports Performance Training Facility is only days aways from opening, but while you wait, check out this video promo!

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Sports Performance Training e-newsletter archive

Speed Agility Power Training e-newsletter archive
Have you seen our weekly sports performance newsletter? Wanna see articles on speed, agility, power and performance training? For back issues of Pro Power Weekly (our weekly training e-newsletter) check out the complete archive by clicking the link below.
Pro Power Article archive