Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Hurdle drill for fast twitch/knee drive emphasis

Take a step! Although hockey players do not run on the ice, taking steps during dryland training is still a very important element in training for the demands of ice play.

Using the mini hurdles (about 6" high), hockey players can step over hurdles with a couple of different goals in mind.

One goals is to emphasize hip action. Set up about 4-6 hurdles in a line about three feet apart. With one leg in line with the row of hurdles, and the other one "outside", perform a high knee step with the inside leg over the row of hurdles. As you step through, focus on a high knee action raise with the inside leg.

This drill helps with training a "drive" effect with the hips.

Another drill is to perform the same action, except this time instead of a high knee raise, focus on a quick lift with your inside knee. The focus is on quick tapping of the power pad (forefoot) with tiny quick baby steps over each hurdle as fast as possible.

This drill helps to promote quick foot fire and trains the fast twitch muscle fibers.

Incorporate these drills into your program for great results. Perform about 4 sets per leg, and carry your stick as you go through each set (see pic).

Need hurdles? Check out Pro Power Training.