Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Step up and exlode for powerful ice strides

Using step-ups in off-ice workouts helps to power your skating on the ice by working key lower body parts---hips, knees, glutes, and hamstrings. Now take it to a totally different level by adding resistance and instead of finishing on the box or bench, step-up and explode into the air!

Here's how:

  1. Find a bench or box that can be stepped up on
  2. Have a partner stand behind you with a bungee cord or some type of "stretchy" band around your waist
  3. With one foot on the box and one foot on the box, explosively drive into the air off of the elevated leg
  4. Land and repeat

Perform with the opposite leg.

Check out the video below to see it in action and for suggest sets and reps.